Face the Future

New structure, well-known faces and lots of passion that will create opportunities.

Today is tomorrow's yesterday.
Acting with foresight.

Our world is shaped by change to which we have to adapt ever faster to not fall behind. Whether it's digitalization, supply bottlenecks, a shortage of skilled workers or new working models, it's important to develop solutions early on that can help us navigate successfully through whatever comes our way. What works today and tomorrow may be outdated the day after tomorrow and become obstructive.

That is why we are realigning our organizational structure today, create new positions and our own Strategy Management Board. To make Schrack Seconet fit for tomorrow, more agile and more flexible.

"Our goal is to create a state-of-the-art structure as well as one that is adapted to our size and also allows us to work on strategic issues – because we clearly want to focus on acting strategically."
Signature Wolfgang Kern
Wolfgang Kern
Schrack Seconet Management - Before Schrack Seconet Management - After
Schrack Seconet Management - Before Schrack Seconet Management - After

Identifying relevant issues & decision making.
Strategy Management Board.

The importance of strategic issues is constantly increasing. This means that many decisions must be made quickly and at early stages. The Strategy Management Board was therefore the logical consequence in order to appreciate the necessity of it. Wolfgang Kern, Martina Eder and Thomas Kern form the Strategy Management Board starting July 2022.

Familiar faces that can structure the future.
New positions – today for tomorrow.

If you want to make a difference, you have to take responsibility and withstand current and future challenges. Qualities that Martin Ganster, Markus Volkmann, Markus Aubrunner and Alexander Schober stand for. They are committed to pursuing their goals in their new positions and will put them into action with a forward-looking approach.

Martin Ganster
Strategy Management Office

"Together with the Strategy Management Board, we will address the substantial strategical questions and requirements of our time and develop solutions for them proactively."

To the interview
Martin Ganster
Strategy Management Office
What does strategy work mean for a company and why do we need it?

Basically, it's about focusing not only on today, but also on tomorrow. Especially in intense times like these, it is often difficult for management to take a step back from daily business and plan for the long term. At Schrack Seconet, we don't want to fall into this trap, which is why we are using the SMO to create the freedom we need to help shape the future innovatively, sustainably and in the interests of our workforce. The SMO is the executive body of the SMB. In this role, I will be gathering issues, observing trends and, in coordination with the SMB, pushing along the optimization of our corporate strategy. I am particularly looking forward to receiving input from our departments, which we naturally rely upon to meet our goals. It will be just as important to communicate the results of our strategy work internally. After all, long-term plans only work if everyone is pulling in the same direction and is committed to the same goals.

And how will this be implemented?

In addition to dealing with the issues on hand - such as mitigating the current delivery situation - the foundations must be laid for promising work. This entails designing processes that help us gather input and form it into concrete strategies. But making plans alone is not enough. We will also have to be self-critical and measure how our projects are progressing and how successfully we are implementing our strategies. To this end, we will use the instrument known as the Balanced Score Card. The two key words here are quite clear: cooperation and reflection.

What major issues will the SMB and SMO be facing as you begin your work?

We are addressing the major questions and requirements of our time and want to proactively develop solutions. These include, for example, global issues such as digitalization, sustainability or, as mentioned earlier, the current supply bottlenecks for electronic components. In addition, we will also look at how we can further develop Schrack Seconet as a company, for example in areas including knowledge management, innovative business models and employer branding.

Markus Volkmann
IT & Digital Strategy

"The set up of a company's data management will determine its future success or failure.“ 

To the interview
Markus Volkmann
IT & Digital Strategy
What will you contribute in your area to drive Schrack Seconet's economic success?

As the person responsible for the entire IT, acting as representative of IT issues in the management team, my area of responsibility encompasses a number of different tasks: from creating strategic models for the IT infrastructure to the ongoing review of such to ensuring operations. The mentioned agendas are joined by the development of a fundamental digitalization strategy and implementing it in the already existing corporate structure. In this way, we are laying the groundwork for enabling digital business cases. Better yet, innovation can become part of everyday life.

What do you think needs to change to position the company well for the future?

Quite clearly: the realignment of the organization. The sheer number and urgency as well as the importance of the issues at hand demand just that. This requires successful strategy work, which must be separated into strategic and operational work, but also necessitates an up-to-date structure that is adapted to our company's size. One thing is crucial here: resources - and these must be created beforehand for successful strategy work.

Where do you see particular challenges for the company or for your work?

I am convinced that the way a company's data management is set up will determine its future success or failure. I therefore see it as one of my core tasks to analyze the existing data streams and to optimize them in a second step. In my opinion, this must go hand in hand with a good knowledge management concept. Companies that master these tasks well will set the tone in the future - and my absolute goal is for our company to score points in this area as well.

Markus Aubrunner
Co-Head of Sales Austria

„I will be taking on a supporting part by initiating and jointly implementing coherent adjustments and optimizations to our relevant processes and organizational structure."

To the interview
Markus Aubrunner
Co-Head of Sales Austria
In your opinion, what aspects should be fulfilled in order to face future challenges in the best possible way?

For me personally, the following aspects are crucial in order to master the future challenges in the area of Sales Austria in a sustainable and goal-oriented manner. Creating and maintaining acceptance and trust for each other and in each other are the basis of successful cooperation. This goes for the management team, the branch office, customer service managers and with all colleagues in the "Sales Austria" organizational unit and for the company as a whole.
I also believe that the world and people are constantly changing and evolving. I would like to play a supporting role in this and initiate and jointly implement sensible adjustments and optimizations to our relevant processes and organization.

What are the issues to focus on in the coming years?

Efficiency and cost awareness will accompany us in the coming fiscal years. However, processes must also be standardized in order to establish comparability of data. A major focus is on the digitalization of various workflows - new tools should provide our colleagues with the best possible support in their daily tasks in the areas of sales, planning, project planning and maintenance.
I also see one of my core tasks in sales and project controlling. It is the only way we can identify and subsequently exploit potential for improvement.

Generally speaking, where do we need to start to continue to operate successfully on the market?

In my opinion, this is where strategy work comes into focus. This includes working out our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks in Sales Austria. We have to find answers to questions like "Where are we heading?", "What do our customers expect in the future?" and "How can we translate these needs into successful business models?" 
Above all, we must succeed not only in presenting our own internal view "Inside OUT", but also in consciously thinking "Outside IN" and evaluating what our customers' needs are and how these requirements will evolve in the future.
It is also necessary that we adequately prepare for the technology push that our company itself is propelling with the introduction of new systems including modern digital applications. It is absolutely essential that our organization and processes are aligned and ready for this - and this will certainly be a decisive factor in our future success.

Alexander Schober
Head of Product Management Fire Alarm Systems

"I am looking forward to the challenge of pushing the digital transformation of fire alarm systems. We will be setting new benchmarks for the industry.“

To the interview
Alexander Schober
Head of Product Management Fire Alarm Systems
What goals have you set for your new position?

Schrack Seconet is a leading supplier of fire alarm systems. As head of product management of this area, my primary goal is to maintain this market position and developing it further in the best possible way. This involves making existing things better, but also thinking about the next generation of our systems. I am also looking forward to the challenge of continuing to push along the digital transformation of fire alarm systems. Here we will realize trend-setting innovations and set standards for the industry.

Where do you see Schrack Seconet in product management internationally?

Schrack Seconet has a key position within the BU A&S of the Securitas Group. As a system competence center, we are an important link between the companies of the BU A&S and the driving force when it comes to further developing fire alarm systems. My plan is to represent the interests of Schrack Seconet well in the company group and simultaneously to develop the area of fire alarm technology. What is at the forefront of this for me? To promote the importance of Schrack Seconet as a leading competence center.

How will you be leading your team in the future?

I am looking forward to taking on the leadership of a very strong team. My credo based on Steve Jobs: "Great things are never created in companies by one person. They are the product of a team".
For me, one point has top priority: to include the strengths and potential of each individual even more in our processes in order to move the product as well as the company forward. I am an advocate of the concepts "lifelong learning" and "working out loud". It is precisely this attitude that I would also like to promote so that we can jointly develop forward-looking concepts and thereby offer high-quality fire alarm systems. It is also my goal to integrate digital tools as efficiently as possible into our daily team routine. In this way, we create the basis for uncomplicated communication channels and, through productive cooperation, the basis for top performance.

“Everyone is talking about the future, but we want to be there today, where new ways will open up tomorrow.”

Wolfgang Kern

“We are in a process right now, that is opening our eyes to new opportunities and new paths. But at the same time, it also presents us with a multitude of challenges. And we must face these in a timely manner and with determination.”

Martina Eder

“Digitalization and premium products are our key to success, to inspire customers through strong market performance.”

Thomas Kern

“You can count on that our realignment, our focus on strategic goals, will also open up new perspectives for you in the future.”

Wolfgang Kern

The great importance of strategic work

We are at turning point where decisions are being made about where our company's success will lie in the future. Are our current business models still relevant? Are we relying on digitalization as a business model, and if so, to what extent? What do we need to change now to still be successful ten years from now? These and many more questions require comprehensive strategic consideration.

It’s on each and every one of us, to help shape our future.

Do you have an idea that brings improvement for your area? Do you want to strengthen the togetherness of the Schrack Seconet family? Then let us know how you would make our company even more future-fit. Address your supervisor or reach out to us via e-mail: future@schrack-seconet.com.

We will happily consider your suggestions!